From emerging to professional athletes: a systemic approach to the dynamic analysis of the determinants of success

Francisco Manuel De Pablo, Maximiliano Miranda-Zanetti


In this work, through the system dynamics and consequent simulations, a model that will determine the risk rate of sports abandonment (ω or Ω) of emerging athletes in their transition from amateur to professional will be demonstrated showing that, having the same motivation and ambition, individuals from the highest socioeconomic levels are more likely to succeed on their own than those from lower strata because the former have less incentive to abandon sports, while those from marginal strata tend to abandon it to dedicate themselves to activities that have immediate pay. Variables related to the environment of athletes will be taken into account, showing their evolution over time. It is hoped that this will provide significant information to the athlete selection process, reducing its risk and increasing efficiency in the allocation of resources.


Athlete; Sportsman; Sponsorship; Representative; Risk; Sport Economics

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