Brand image in esports events. Difference between players and non-players

Jaime SC Amor, Carlos Pérez-Campos, Nuria Molina-García


The esports sector has burst onto the social scene, especially among the younger population, and sports managers need to be part of the growth of the sector. The purpose of this article is to find out the brand perception among players and non-players of esports events in the Valencian Community, Spain during the year 2019. For the analysis we used a questionnaire composed of 82 items divide into 12 scales that have shown good reliability indices. The results indicate that the scales obtained positive mean values, with the highest scores for future intentions, brand personality and brand credibility. Players always scored higher than non-players with significant differences in corporate reputation and perceived value. Results that allow the sport manager to obtain information to contribute to the improvement of marketing strategies.


Brand; esports; electronic sports; events; sports manager

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