Volunteer experience at the Valencia Marathon

Laura Simón-Ángel, Alberto Vidal-Vilaplana, Sergio Aguado-Berenguer


Sports volunteering is a topic that is little studied at present. However, it is of great relevance for large sporting events, since volunteers are necessary for the proper development of these events. Therefore, the aim of this study is to learn about the volunteer experience of the Valencia Marathon and the variables that predict volunteer satisfaction. The research was carried out by administering an online structured questionnaire. The sample consisted of 241 volunteers of the Valencia Marathon. The results showed that the strongest correlation between variables is between overall satisfaction and value; regarding the regression models, it was observed that value is one of the best predictors of satisfaction that the dimension of motivation that best predicts satisfaction is personal growth and that satisfaction is a good predictor of future intentions. The results show strong relationships between the variables analyzed and high volunteer satisfaction, which helps managers to continue along the current line and to strengthen the weakest points with new strategies


volunteerism; sporting events; satisfaction; motivation

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