Future habits of former costumers of sports centers

Sergio Rodríguez-Cañamero, Jorge García-Unanue, Lucas Eduardo Peñas, Leonor Gallardo-Guerrero


The aim of this study was to analyse the behaviour and future actions, adopting the former clients of sports centers, once they have dropped out from sport center. We conducted an analysis of the post-behaviour of former customers of premium, medium, and low-cost centers of which 7863 responses were obtained. Highlights that a year lifecycle of customers in their sports centers, only 32% still active. Similarly, and in light of the reasons for dropping out provided by the customers, the three main actions carried out, once processed to leave the center were: join another sports center by 37%, not to practice physical activity in a 22% and go running on my own 19%. Sports centers have to start to enhance the experiences that their customers live in their centers, and implement loyalty strategies based on these, to improve their rates of churn.


fitness; exclientes; centros deportivos

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