Comparative analysis between sports productivity and efficiency in professional football clubs

Ana María Magaz-González, Fernando Mallo-Fernández, José Luis Fanjul-Suárez


In the field of professional football, unlike in other sectors, not always seeks to maximize the value of the sports organization. Given this circumstance, the article analyzes whether sports clubs seek an optimal result at the expense of increasing financial stress. The hypothesis is that there is no balance between technical efficiency and sporting success. A comparison between the technical efficiency analysis assessed by DEA and sports efficiency reflected in the sports club rankings that during the period 2004-2011 played at least one season in 1st division professional soccer league is done. A number of factors are used previously extracted by principal component analysis and collect the variability of financial results in economic terms. The result of the study shows that few clubs throughout those years manage to balance the technical and sporting efficiency


Professional League Spanish Football; technical efficiency; Data Envelopment Analysis

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