The accessibility of users with visual disability to the webs pages of Spanish fitness centers

Jesús Fernández-Gavira, Enrique Santana-Tejada, Jerónimo García-Fernández


This work is a research on the web pages of the Spanish fitness centres and its purpose is to know the adaptability of these pages to the necessities of customers with visual disability. The accessibility patterns (WCAG 2.0.) presented and detailed by the ONCE’s centre Centro de Investigación, Desarrollo y Aplicación were taken into account to carry out this research. In this case, the process used to get the results had different parts. First of all, the web pages characteristics have been analysed by the adaptability automated analyser TAW WCAG 2.0 Beta. Afterwards, some patterns could not be assessed because of the limits of the method: the contrast produced by the colours, the cutting of some blocks, the presence of titles in the web pages, and so on. After completing the study and getting the results, it is concluded that only a few of the accessibility patterns are achieved, being only five the ones which a higher percentage of 50%.


Web accessibility; visual disability; Web page; Fitness center

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