Perceived quality and users’ satisfaction in sailing schools

Nuria Molina-García, Romulo González-García


The study of satisfaction and quality acquires a great interest in literature from executives and businessmen since a customer who considers himself satisfied with the service acquires it and enjoys it again, as well as being a good indicator of future benefits for the company. Our research proposes to analyze the perceived quality of nautical services. The sample studied was made up of 1048 users from different schools of the sea in the Valencian Community. The overall average age was 19.5 years (SD ± 10.215), where 52.5% of users were male and 47.5% were female. For data collection, a 25-item questionnaire was administered with a Likert-type response option from 1 to 5. The results concluded that younger students have a more negative attitude towards the factors assessed, Borriana's school was the most highly rated and women have a more positive perception of sailing schools than men


Quality; satisfaction; sailing schools; sports centres

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