Protocols of intervention for indoor pools in the Region of Murcia
The deaths by drowning is the worst result that human interaction with the aquatic environment can have. The aim of this study was to study the safety of the indoor swimming pools in the Region of Murcia, from the point of view of the possession of a protocol in case of accident. 26 swimming pools were surveyed. Following the revision of the legislation, an interview was prepared in order to gather information on the human and material resources available to facilitate an intervention in the event of an incident. It is compulsory for the swimming pools to have a self-control protocol of the facility in which to collect the measures available for the safety of it. 19.23% of the swimming pools surveyed did not have an accident procedure. The main conclusion is that there is no obligation to have a protocol of action in the event of an accident, and it is necessary to create a protocol that covers the greatest number of situations and establishes the coordination between staff and rescue actions to be carried out.
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