Sport entrepreneurship in Spanish sports clubs

Paloma Escamilla-Fajardo, Juan Manuel Núñez-Pomar, María Huertas González-Serrano


Interest in sport entrepreneurship by academics and professionals has grown in recent years as it has a positive relationship with the overall performance of the organization. However, despite their growing importance, the existing literature that considers non-profit sports clubs is scarce. Sports clubs have an important social and sporting function in most countries, so their study and development should have a major role for policy makers and governments. This study, therefore, analyses sport entrepreneurship in 510 Spanish sports clubs, taking into account their competition level. The main objective was to find out the level of sports entrepreneurship of the sports clubs and to analyse the existing differences according to the level of competition. The results obtained show significant differences in innovation, proactivity, and risk assumption between local-regional level sports clubs and national-international level sports clubs. In all dimensions, the national-international sports clubs obtained significantly higher values. Finally, practical implications and proposals for intervention that provide important information for the management team of clubs and sports organizations are addressed


sport entrepreneurship; sports clubs; performance; entrepreneurship; innovation

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