The socio-economic impact of a German Bundesliga basketball club on the regional economy
The focus of this research study is to examine the economic and social impact of a German professional basketball club on its regional economy. The Bundesliga basketball club EWE Baskets Oldenburg serves as the basis for this study. The question guiding the research is: What are the supply-side and demand-side effects of the basketball club EWE Baskets Oldenburg on the city of Oldenburg and the region? The data collection was conducted by means of several empirical surveys (online, venue and passer-by surveys) in the period from December 2019 to February 2020. In total, data from 1,093 people was collected, evaluated and analyzed. The results show regional value-added, employment and turnover effects, as well as awareness-raising and image-improving effects (national and international) on the location community of the club considered here.
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