Brand perception assessment according to sociodemographic profiles of a popular sporting event

Daniel Martínez-Cevallos


The valuation of the brand perception of sporting events is gaining interest in the literature, due to the great support they provide to know each segment according to their different needs, thus being able to direct marketing strategies and provide a service that meets their needs. It is of vital importance to be able to divide within a group each of the subgroups to know what they need. The aim of this research is to analyze the brand perception of the participants of a popular race, and to make comparisons between the different groups according to the sociodemographic variables and thus to know and identify the needs to be covered and to be able to correctly manage the different marketing strategies. In the present study, a sample of 572 participants of a popular race was analyzed. A descriptive analysis was carried out to learn about their participation in popular races and sports habits, to later move on to the study of the valuations of the variables, where differences were sought with respect to sociodemographic variables such as sex, age, level of studies, origin and occupation.


Brand perception; sociodemographic variables; popular races

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