Fan identification as a precursor of loyalty towards a football team, a sys-tematic review.

Tomás Arroba, Gemma Maria Gea-García, Juan Antonio Sánchez-Sáez, Elena Conde-Pascual


A great number of elements can be differentiated that could be the precursors of fan identification and loyalty towards a football team. In light of this, the objective of this review was to collect information about each route that intervene in fan identification in order to know and predict the fan consumer behavior. For the research development, the Cochrane, EBSCO SPORTDiscus, PUBMED and Web of Science (WOS) databases were used. Of the 290 initial articles, 84 were selected. This systematic review was made following the PRISMA criteria. The results obtained showed the existence of multiple strategies for achieving fan identification, such as: social interaction, the history of the club and the city, the style of play, or the stadium. As a conclusion, football clubs will be able to use the different routes mentioned above to achieve the identification of their fans with the team. Through the development of fan identification an increase in customer consumption can be achieved.


identity; loyalty; supporters; soccer.

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