Economic impact analysis of the Davis cup semi-final Spain vs United States

Plácido Rodríguez Guerrero, José Francisco Baños Pino


The organization of any sporting event of some magnitude usually has a significant impact on the region where it is celebrated. To calculate the economic impact of a sport event there are different economics tools like the Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), Keynesian multipliers, the Input-Output model (I-O) and the Computable General Equilibrium model (CGE). I-O model is the method used in this study. In Spain not all the Autonomous Communities have Input-Output tables. This paper looks at the economic impact for the Autonomous Community of Asturias due to the celebration of the Davis Cup Semi-final in Gijon, in September 2012, using last Input-Output tables of Asturias (2005). We want to calculate the economic impact of this event in terms of gross value added and employment. We use information that comes from data provided by the organization of the event and a survey carried out by the hotels in the city during the course of the competition. The aim of the study is to control if the public money becomes exhausted correctly. The economic results are positive principally for the expenditure of non residents, on the other hand the impact on employment was not very relevant except in the Hotel industry sector.


Impact Analysis; Davis Cup; Input-Output; Multipliers; Gross value added; Employment


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