Segmentation, social networks and age in fitness

Manel Valcarce, Carlota Díez-Rico


Social networks are part of the daily life of millions of people. The fitness centers generate profiles and organize data of each of them, trusting that this is an optimal channel to reach their potential clients. An online survey was conducted to users of 22 sports centers in Spain, which included questions about the interaction of customers with the social media networks of the center: one of them asked whether they used a social network to be in contact with the center or not; other asked the same about Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube; others also asked if they knew the center through social media networks, and if they were informed of the activities and schedules in them. Of all the users to whom the survey was sent by the sports centers themselves, 3,284 people answered. The results have been presented by age groups, this being able to see the great differences between them in the use of social media networks. The most used social media seems to be Facebook, but it is worth to think over if this result is due to the clients preferences or to the fitness centers ones.


market segmentation; social networks; fitness; marketing; sport

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