Social perception of a sporting event impact

David Parra Camacho, Vicente Añó Sanz, Daniel Ayora Pérez, Juan Manuel Núñez Pomar


The aim of this work is to determine the impact on social perception of a European Formula One Grand Prix in several areas that can influence the development of the city through a brief survey of a sample of residents (N=760). The results showed that a majority of citizens considered that the acceptance of this sporting event or impacted quite a lot in the areas related to the city's image and tourism, although they did not perceive that the conclusion of the event would impact in job creation, in improving transport and access to the city. Residents also perceived that this event could affect something or enough in the economy and infrastructure and to a lesser extent in areas such as security. Statistically significant differences are found according to sex and age in the resident’s perception about the impact of the event in some sectors


Resident’s perceptions; sport event; impact


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