Use of public spaces for the practice of physical activity. Influence of sociodemographic variables in adults

Fátima Chacón-Borrego, Juan Antonio Corral-Pernía, José Luis Ubago-Jiménez


According to the results of different studies, the use of public spaces (PS) for sports with respect to other types of spaces has been increasing in recent years. In this work we analyze the preferences of use of different places and spaces of practice of physical activity (PA) in Seville, the sociodemographic profile of people who use PS and the association or not between the variables studied. It’s a descriptive study, frequencies and percentages (Chi square inferential test) and correlational by Spearman’s nonparametric Rho test. Study carried out on 1002 subjects who are over 18 years old. Sample stratified by age, gender and municipal district quotas, with a confidence level of 95,5%. Results: The most used practice sites are PS. There is a positive correlation between PA in PS and gender (r =,170; p≤.01) and AF in PS and age interval (r =,159; p≤.01). It can be concluded that there are differences in the preference of use of different sports practice spaces. In the use of PS there are significant differences according to gender and age, too there are associations between this variable and the sociodemographic variables, gender, age and occupation.


Urban spaces; Urban environment; Recreational facilities; Sport; Physical activity; Adults

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