Virtual fitness classes: A supply and demand analysis in sport centers

Marta Pérez-Villalba, Jesús Baena-Arroyo, Jerónimo García-Fernández


In the last few years sports centers have incorporated virtual fitness classes (VFCs) within their offer, especially indoor cycling activities. The VFCs offer the advantage of increasing fitness classes’ volume without incurring the cost of increasing the number of staff hours in the sport center. The objective of this research was to analyse the VFCs supply and demand at Spanish sports centers managed by private organizations. To this end, two questionnaires were designed, one for the sport center members that make up the demand, and another for those responsible for the sports centers in order to know the VFCs demand. The sample analysed totalled 15,808 members distributed in 97 sports centers located in Spanish cities over 100,000 inhabitants. According to the results of the present study, VFCs are offered in 73% of the sports centers accounting for 29% of the total fitness classes’ offer with differences between type of center depending on the ownership and market positioning.


gestión deportiva; centro deportivo; actividad dirigida; actividad dirigida virtual; tecnología

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